Settlement analysis
MOS Grondmechanica uses calculation programs which were developed in-house alongside validated software, in order to calculate the settlements for all types of applications such as constructions and site fills. Settlement calculations can be made e.g. for site preparation, embankments, shallow foundations and deep pile foundations.
For this, full use is made of all known calculation methods, including Terzaghi/Koppejan, NEN-Bjerrum, and Isotaches, which are used depending on the demands of the client or where these best fit the matter in regards to the content of the demand.
While carrying out the settlement analysis, a prognosis an a priori or a posteriori prediction is made of the entire occurring subsidence and the time-settlement process. When the situation requires as such, the influence of the settlement accelerating actions or the reduction of long-term load by the application of light materials are incorporated in the design.